Saturday, January 1, 2011

what is Toadspit?

You know that moment, in the fairy tales, when the Princess kisses the frog? Well what does she get if he doesn't become a prince?  IMHO.. she got toadspit. How many times have you received toadspit? Is there a limit to a woman's desire to "fix" men? Oh.. I know, I know.. you love him just the way he is ;-) Uh huh. Don't we all. So my pledge, to myself is to be my a :
     I'm new to blogging, but not to life. And I've certainly met my share of toads, some of whom were very very good at being toads. Others appeared to be frogs with potential, but transitioned to toads very quickly. Once, I even kissed a prince, who then turned into a toad! Since 50 just came and went, I find myself looking back, &  I have to ask myself: Why didn't I just try find a normal, well adjusted "non-prince" to begin with, instead of kissing those toads?